(312) 427-3100


Bankruptcy Q & A

Common Bankruptcy Questions

Does Filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Eliminate all of my Debt?

While many of your debts can be relieved by filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, there are a few that cannot be discharged. Spousal support, child support, student loans, or taxes are often not discharged through Chapter 7 bankruptcy, but the good news is—you can be relieved of all forms of consumer debt. If you have credit card debt, it will go away. If you have medical bills piling up, they will also go away. When filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you need an attorney that understands bankruptcy law and knows how to make it easy for you to understand. That’s where we come in. Our bankruptcy attorneys will show you what your debt situation can look like in the coming years.

Will Filing for Bankruptcy Cause me to Lose my House?

It is possible to retain your home when filing for bankruptcy, but only if the appropriate actions are taken within a short period of time. At Prime Bankruptcy, we can help you fight to keep your home while filing for bankruptcy, but only if you contact us right away.

How Long is the Bankruptcy Process?

In general, you can expect the entire process to last about three to four months. In some cases it may take longer, but one thing is certain—you will witness a halt in creditor actions as soon as you file for bankruptcy, which will provide you with the relief you’ve been seeking.

Is There an Alternative if I Don’t Qualify for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

In special situations, people will not qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, in which case they may be eligible for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows a debtor to pay off a portion of your debt within 3-5 years. During the 3-5 year window, the interest owed on the unsecured debt can often be paid back at 0% , which makes the total amount much easier to pay.

How Can the Attorneys at Bizar and Doyle Help me With Bankruptcy?

If you’re suffering from the pressure of severe debt, our bankruptcy attorneys can help you get back on your feet. Please contact us if you have questions about the services we offer. We can’t wait to help you experience the relief you deserve. Contact us today!

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